Wednesday, September 28, 2011

6 Months old my baby really half a year old?!  So much has changed in this last short month.  She is now a crawler!  Full on crawling.  No more scooting around, no more getting up on all fours and rocking, and no more leaving her to play on a blanket while I do something in another room.  In fact, we've given up on the blanket all together.  The boundaries of the blanket have become quite pointless.

Molly had her 6 month well child visit with her pediatrician today.  She now weighs 13.1 pounds, which puts her in about the 6th percentile in weight, and 25 inches, which puts her in the 43 percentile.  So, that basically means that she is very long and skinny!  But of course, I could have told you that based on her clothes, because, for the most part, she is still wearing size 3 clothes.  But she is wearing both 6 and 9 month sleepers because she outgrows them in length.  The doctor was very impressed with her development since she is already crawling and has cut two teeth!  Of course, he said she was perfect!

She is still not consistently sleeping through the night.  Some nights are better than others.  Some nights she will sleep from the time I lay her down until 7 in the morning, but mostly not.  Some nights she wakes up every three hours, but mostly she only wakes up 2 times at night.  When people hear that she is not sleeping through the night yet, they typically look at me with pity knowing that I am running on little sleep.  But if I am being completely honest, I cherish those quiet moments that I am nursing her in the middle of the night.  She is so quiet and cuddly and sweet in those moments when she normally very busy and wiggly.  I love picking up my sleepy baby out of her crib and kissing her fuzzy little head.   I may be tired but there is always coffee and one day these sweet moments will be gone and replaced with different sweet moments.

Speaking of nursing, I am happy to say that we are still exclusively nursing at six months!  I am proud because at around two months I felt like I was a feeding machine and felt like I couldn't do it any more, but I stuck it out and we are pros now!  Of course, she will get the occasional bottle if I need to leave her for a couple hours with my parent's, or Austin, or my Grandma.  My goal is to nurse her for the remainder of her first year, which was my goal from the beginning, but it seems so much more attainable now that we are halfway there!

In addition to nursing, she is loving her solids.  So far she enjoys brown rice cereal, oatmeal, pears, apples, bananas, carrots, and spinach.  The only thing that she has tried and does not like is avocado.  And saying that she doesn't like it is being nice.  She looks genuinely offended if I try to give it to her.  She will tolerate it mixed with something like a delicious banana, but do not give it to her plain!  Tomorrow we are trying a sweet potato and what's not to love about that?

Daddy feeding her for the first time
She also loves to play in her food

She is such an independent child (as you can see from those pictures, she even likes to try to feed herself)!  Of course, she always likes to know where I am and have me in her sight, but she loves to explore and do things on her own.  And now that she is crawling she is all about exploring.  She has discovered that she can find me in the kitchen most of the time and that it is a pretty neat place to hang out!  The other day I was making granola and had emptied the container of oats.  She found it and discovered that it is A LOT of fun to chase it while it rolls around the kitchen.  She is also really into slapping the tile and listening to the neat noise that it makes, especially if she has just spit bubbles onto the tile!

Now it's time for her six month photo shoot pictures!  I have been working on my portfolio this month doing photo shoots for people and will hopefully have my website up and running in the coming month. These will definitely be featured...but maybe I'm slightly biased! 

This one just makes me laugh.  She was pushing her elephant around the room with her head.  Odd.

And because I think these leggings are adorable on her.

I am so thrilled to see what the next month and even the next six months holds for us.  She is a ball full of energy and brings so much joy and happiness to my life.  

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